Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Given that we're approaching the end of our summer stay in Laguna Beach, we are sparing our kitchen and attempting to reduce the clutter in the refrigerator. Hence the decision to eat out for the last couple of nights. Yesterday, it was La Sirena, in the shopping mall across from the Montage hotel. Otherwise...

7 AM tea

8:30 AM breakfast. Fruit and cereal with granola, almond milk. A cup of coffee with coconut milk cream.

10:30 AM walk down to the gym. 15 minutes on the elliptical walker and 1 hour with Shanna. A good workout. I left with a detailed instruction sheet for working out in my LA gym.

12:30 lunch. A "Strammermax." For the uninitiated, that's a slice of ham and a fried egg on toast. Except that I had 2 small slices. Probably more than I needed. It was very dense wholewheat bread.

4:30 PM snack. Finished off the breakfast fruit salad with a couple of teaspoons of vanilla bean yogurt.

6:30 dinner at La Sirena. I ordered fajitas with pulled pork. Ate two of the four corn tortillas, but otherwise polished off the lot. Again, more than I needed. A glass of red wine (generously poured!)

No dessert, no ice cream!

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