Monday, September 18, 2017



7 AM the usual

9 AM a bowl of fruit and cereal and a second cup of tea--in bed, watching "Sunday Morning." And old habit.

12 PM we left for a walk along the L A River bank with Jake and stopped at The Spoke, a small cyclists cafe alongside the bike path. I ordered a sinful breakfast--two fried eggs with bacon, toast AND fried potatoes. The place was incredibly busy. And noisy, with a good crowd of people whose conversation was drowned out by a guitar/singer, with amplifier, singing old favorites. The order took an eon to arrive, and by the time it did (at 1PM), I was ravenous--and scoffed the lot!

No afternoon snack.

6:30 PM we started to prepare a Blue Apron dinner: breaded rockfish with kale and mashed potatoes. Washed down with a glass of rosé--and a drop of white!

No ice cream, no dessert!

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