Saturday, February 16, 2008


Morning tea.  A half hour with the weights (just the light ones we keep in the bedroom closet.)  A bowl of fruit and cereal for breakfast (Fru-Grains with half a banana, a sliced kumquat, one strawberry, a few grapes topped with a splash of milk and half-and-half); followed a small slice of buttered toast, no marmalade.  And another cup of tea.

Lunch in Laguna Beach, after a longer-than-usual drive--an accident on the 710 freeway.  I chose a small bowl of the clams linguini left over from last night and an apple.  A couple of hours later I developed a horrible stomach ache, and wondered if it could be the linguini--though I had removed the single clam that was left in the take-home box.  

I recovered, anyway, sufficiently to enjoy a good bowl of leftover soup for dinner, with toast and cheese.  I even risked a half glass of red wine.  All of which went down well enough for me to indulge, after dinner, in a bowl of soy ice cream with a chocolate-coated dunker.   Can't feel too sorry for myself, then. 

1 comment:

Lisa Newton said...

I've never had soy ice cream. I'll have to look for it the next time I'm at the market.................:)