Tuesday, August 29, 2017


A big carpet day. We had to move everything out of the living room and the two bedrooms except the large furniture, which the installers took care of. They spent almost the entire day ripping out the old wall-to-wall carpet in the rooms and laying down a new one. I sat amid the chaos and despaired of getting much done except the crossword!

7 AM tea with milk, no sugar

8:30 AM breakfast. Chopped fruit with granola and cereal, walnuts and dried blueberries, milk. Coffee with milk, no sugar.

10:30 AM mid-morning snack: remaining fruit from breakfast.

12 PM out for lunch to escape the carpet installation. Ate mix of 3 salads at Zinc: beets, pasta with pesto, rice salad with sun-dried tomatoes. Shared a Sunrise orange drink with Ellie

4:30 PM snack. 1/2 apple.

7:00 PM dinner. Ravenously hungry. Ellie had marinated a large chicken breast, which I cooked on the BBQ. We shared one ear of corn. Salad. Finished off the open bottle of cab--about 1/4 glass each.

No dessert, no ice cream!

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