Tuesday, January 29, 2008


A Monday morning cup of tea, 7AM. Monday morning at the gym with Knute. A half hour on the elliptical walker and an hour of weights. A good workout.

I ventured onto the bathroom scale again today. I have shed five and a half pounds in the two weeks since I started "A Diet of Choice." I understand that to be the easy part. The hard part comes when I get down to my previous hight weight, and I have a couple more to go before I get there.

Breakfast out with Nigel, a new friend from our sitting group, a Brit, over here on a two-month vacation. We went to the Heidelberg Cafe, where I could have chosen an egg white omelet with an English muffin. Instead I chose a bagel with cream cheese and lox, with two cups of coffee. Not the best way to lose those extra couple of pounds, but a short cut, it seems, to severe indigestion. Two hours later, I was suffering.

We had been planning on the leftovers from Saturday for dinner--that pork chop I had set aside. Given the intestinal discomfort, though, Ellie suggested another vegetable soup and I readily agreed. We chopped over the State of the Union address--enough to add to the indigestion. But the soup, when it was ready, was good. I did indulge, before, in maybe four crackers and cheese and a half glass of sherry--to settle the stomach. And, during, in a glass of red wine. And, after, in a small bowl of Very Cherry soy cream.

Ah, well. Today, as they say, is another day. And I have to think about that Bush speech, for my Huffington Post blog...

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