Monday, March 9, 2009


... I note that my last entry was on February 28 of last year, more than a year ago. I think the main problem was that it was getting repetitive, and I must have been thinking too much about others who might be reading. I started the blog for myself, to help me stay conscious about my food intake, and ended up wanting to be "interesting." I return with the thought that it might be useful to do this simply for myself, to make a record of the intake, and for no other purpose.

I need the help. Last year was not a good one, so far as my weight-consciousness was concerned. I got very involved in the political battle, and resorted to more comfort food than was good for me. By the time the year ended (and when all the food excesses of the holidays were over), I stepped on the scale about six weeks ago and discovered, to my horror, that I had reached my lifetime heaviest ever weight.

Since that day, I have shed some twelve pounds, and am back to just below my previous high. Most of that progress was made in the first couple of weeks of effort. I decided to cut out the milk and milk products (especially cheese, a food I love) along with my evening glass (or two) of wine; and to limit myself to a slice or two of bread per day. I seem now to have stabilized around that weight, and am in need of help to make the further progress that I want toward shedding another five pounds or so before I leave for a European vacation at the end of this month.

To which end, I plan simply to make note in these pages of my daily intake. No fuss, no elaboration. Just the facts... at least insofar as I remember them.

Yesterday, then:

7:00AM cup of tea, with soy milk
8:00AM Breakfast. 1/2 banana, a few grapes, a shake of muesli and another of granola. Soy milk, and a cup of coffee with soy milk.
1:00PM Brunch. Two scrambled eggs, two slices of toast (plus a half of Ellie's) with butter and a teaspoon of honey. Another cup of coffee with soy milk and sweetener
6:30PM Snack. A handful of nuts. 1/2 dozen chips with bean dip.
7:30PM Dinner. Leftover roast chicken with 3 small red-skinned potatoes and greens. For dessert, a square of dark chocolate.

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