Saturday, February 2, 2008


A short night, because of our late return home from "The Magic Flute"--a delightful evening, but one that became just a little long-winded, at the end, for this less-than-fanatical opera-goer, as the arias multiplied and lengthened. Let those who will accuse me of philistinism, but there are times, are there not, when you just want them to get done with it and shut up already?

Tea, then, at seven. A half hour at the gym on the elliptical walker, with political conversations recorded elsewhere in the blogosphere. Breakfast at home: two fried eggs (one shared with George the dog, an egg freak) and two small pieces of buttered toast. A tiny dab of marmalade on half of the second piece. And coffee.

For lunch, at 2PM, a dollop of cottage cheese, a half matzo, a single slice of ham. At tea-time, a cup of chai and three (count 'em) TINY chocolate chip cookies.

A strange dinner of leftovers: a very small slice of fig pizza, to get that finished; a potato cake, from the other night out; salad; and four or five pot-stickers from a frozen Trader Joe's package. Very strange. But true. And a glass (and, full disclosure, another half) of red wine. (Ellie got smashed on a quarter can of Tecate!) A small bowl of Trader Joe's Very Cherry Chip Soy Cream for dessert, as we watched Real Time with Bill Maher. Very funny.

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